Exit Ticket Quiz
Complete this form at the end of your lesson.
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メールアドレス *
What is your name? *
Which school do you attend? *
1. Which of these BEST describes direct object pronouns? *
1 ポイント
2. Which of these are the French direct pronouns for: "me, you, he/it, she/it, them"? *
1 ポイント
3. Why do "le" and "la" both mean the same English direct object pronoun "it"? *
1 ポイント
4. When do you use l' instead of le/la? *
1 ポイント
5. Where do direct object pronouns come in French sentences? *
1 ポイント
6. Translate: I love them *
1 ポイント
7. Translate: I hate her *
1 ポイント
8. Translate: I like grapes and I eat them every day. *
1 ポイント
9. Translate: I have known him for 10 years. *
1 ポイント
10. Translate: I wear a yellow jumper and I find it comfortable. *
1 ポイント
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