Function Based Interventions for Virginia PBS Facilitators 
Here are questions based upon the recorded conversation about function based interventions with PBS Facilitator VJ Petillo and staff of the Virginia PBS Project. Participants who score higher than 80% accuracy will receive an automatically generated certificate which may be used for one hour of continuing education activities for Virginia PBS renewal. Please read all of the options before selecting an answer. 
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What did Karen's PBS team determine was the function of her lack of independence? *
20 points
Based upon feedback from the team, what changes did the PBS Facilitator who was working with Karen create to make their data collection more efficient?  *
20 points
If  a PBS Facilitator conducts a comprehensive Functional Behavior Assesment and determines that the behavior is caused by a need for a tangible. A plan is developed to provide tangibles at predictable times to the person. What skill might be required to teach to the focus person in order for the focus person to be successful?  *
20 points
For the person called Ziggy, what behavior did he exibit the highest frequency during the recorded observations?  *
20 points
It is critical to provide interventions based upon the function of the behavior because:  *
20 points
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