UNC Psychology and Neuroscience Senior Honors Program- Primary Advisor Recommendation Form 
Thank you for your willingness to mentor/advise a student applying to the senior honors program in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience. Please complete the following recommendation from by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 for the student to be considered for admission to the senior honors program for the 2024-2025 academic year. If you need additional information about the Senior Honors Program in Psychology and Neuroscience, please review our website here: https://psychology.unc.edu/honors-program/, or email the Senior Honors Program Director Dr Keely Muscatell at kmuscatell@unc.edu. Thank you again for supporting our students!
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Student's name (First and Last)
Faculty mentor name (First and Last)
Faculty mentor preferred email address
Faculty mentor primary department affiliation

This form uses a unique rating system that assumes that all applicants for the Honors Program are among our highest performing majors in Psychology and/or Neuroscience.  Please carefully review the anchors used on this form when evaluating each competence/skill domain.

Top 25%; Solid performing undergraduate; better than many psych/nsci majors
Top 15%; Has potential to produce a fine honors thesis
Top 5%; Superior undergraduate; could become a fine graduate student
Top 1%; Outstanding; skills already commensurate with those of a graduate student
Comfortable and knowledgeable with research literature
Generates sophisticated, novel research ideas
Able to articulate research hypotheses
Depth of knowledge in proposed area of research
Understanding of research methods
Understanding of statistics
Responsible, dependable, conscientious
Meticulous and attentive to detail
Motivation for independent research
Time management skills
Writing skills
Oral presentation skills
By typing your name below, you indicate both that you recommend this student for the Psychology or Neuroscience Senior Honors Program and that you are willing to serve as their primary mentor. By agreeing to serve as a mentor, you are taking responsibility for advising all aspects of the student’s thesis project, for continuing to mentor the student through both semesters of the program, and for helping the student to meet program deadlines for defending, submitting and presenting the thesis. (Please type your full name below.)
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