2021 Leadership Staff Application
Our leadership staff is crucial to the success of the summer camp ministry. These staff members will assist with the overall day-to-day operations of camp, such as activities and recreation, worship and programs, camp store, media, and discipleship groups. The key components of this position are maturity, self-motivation, and demonstrated steward leadership. Leadership staff will also display an earnest desire to equip and serve the counselors as they build relationships with campers and deepen their faith in Christ. Additionally, leadership staff will have completed two years of college, or equivalent experience, by the start of the summer.

Leadership staff training is May 25-29 at camp, followed by a combined staff and skills training June 1-10.
Please note: the aforementioned trainings are mandatory for leadership staff members.
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Name: *
Current Address (full): *
Home Address (full): *
Cell #: *
Email: *
Date of Birth *
Are you currently a student? If so, what year and where are you enrolled? *
Parent/Guardian: *
Parent/Guardian Phone: *
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? *
If yes, give details, including date(s). A "yes" answer will not automatically disqualify you from employment. We will consider the nature and date of the offense and the job for which you are applying for job-related purposes only, and only to the extent permitted by applicable law.)
Why are you interested in working at Camp Oak Hill? *
Years on Staff at COH (or other summer camps/youth organizations): *
Positions Held: *
Leadership Staff position you'd like to be considered for: *
Leadership Staff are contracted from May 25th - August 8th. Do you have any conflicts with these dates? If yes, please list the dates you couldn't work. *
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