BEGINNERS BOOTCAMPS with the Bears 09/10.11.2019
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Bear Citys A Team hat es geschafft, sich auch dieses Jahr für die WFTDA Playoffs zu qualifizieren und sich den Top 28 Teams der Welt zu stellen. Das ist das Ergebnis harter, langer und konzentrierter Arbeit. Dieses Wissen und Können möchten wir an euch weitergeben, gerade wenn ihr erst vor kurzem mit Roller Derby angefangen habt oder schon ein, zwei Jahre dabei seid und eure Skills auf ein neues Level bringen möchtet.
Daher bieten wir am Wochenende vom 9. und 10. November wieder ein Bootcamp für Beginners und Intermediates an. Alle Beginner*innen ohne MST sind herzlich willkommen (jeweils eine FLT*I*NB-only und eine all gender-Gruppe), die Gruppen mit MST / am Scrimmage teilnehmende sind nur für FLT*I*NB.

Kommt und reißt Mauern mit uns ein!

Alle weiteren Informationen inklusive der Zahlungsdaten erhaltet ihr in der Bestätigungsmail nach eurer Registrierung.
Etwa zwei Wochen vor dem Bootcamp gibt es noch einmal eine Mail mit allen wichtigen Informationen.
FRAGEN? Immer her damit an: :)


Bear City’s A Team was travelling again across the globe, playing against challenging and innovative opponents at WFTDA Playoffs and learning a lot along the way! As we love sharing our combined knowledge and experience,  we’re offering a bootcamp for beginners and intermediate - if you have just started or want to polish your skills for another level.
Our bootcamp will take place on the weekend of 9th and 10th November in Berlin (Germany). All genders are welcome for the not-yet-passed MST group (we will have a FLT*I*NB-only and a co-ed group), the intermediates (who are also eligible to participate in scrimmage) are FLT*I*NB only (means Women/Lesbians/Transfolkx/Intersex/Nonbinary).

Come and tear down walls with us!

All further information including payment details is in the confirmation email that comes after registration.
About two weeks before the Bootcamp you will receive another email with all of the important information.
QUESTIONS? Please ask :)
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Email *
Lass uns wissen, wer du bist. Keine Sorge, wir brauchen diese Daten nur für dieses Event und werden sie sofort danach löschen. / Please let us know who you are - we will use that information solely for this event and will delete it afterwards!
Dein echter Name / Legal Name *
Deine Rechnungsadresse / your invoice address *
Diese brauchen wir, um dir eine korrekte Rechnung über die Teilnahmegebühr zu stellen, daher bitte Straße Nr, PLZ Stadt eintragen / We need it to send you a correct invoice for the participation fee, please include street name, number, post code, town, country (if applicable)
Derby Name
Lass das Feld frei, wenn du  noch keinen hast / leave blank if you don't have one yet
Dein Heimatverein / Your Club aka League *
Stadt / City *
Land / Country *
Deine Telefonnummer / Telephone Number *
Don't forget the country code
Dein Geburtsdatum / Birthdate *
Du musst deinen MST bestanden haben, wenn du an unserem Bootcamp teilnehmen möchtest. Aber so oder so wir würden dich bitten, folgendes auszufüllen / You do need to have passed your minimum skills requirements to participate in this Bootcamp. But in any case we ask you to fill out the following:
Wie lange trainierst du schon Roller Derby? / How long have you been practicing roller derby? *
In Jahren und Monaten / In years and months
Wann hast du deinen MST bestanden? / When did you pass your minimum skills test? *
Ungefähr / Approx.
In wie vielen Spielen hast du schon mitgespielt? / How many games have you played in?
Deine Antwort hilft uns, dich in das richtige Level zu packen, so dass du mit möglichst vielen Skater*innen deines Niveaus trainierst. / Your answer helps us to put you in the right skill level when we have divided the groups.
Nur für Pre-MST. Ich möchte... / Only for pre-MST. I want to...
Clear selection
Möchtest du beim abschließenden Scrimmage als Spieler*in oder Official teilnehmen? / Do you want to participate in the final scrimmage as skater or official?
Lass uns wissen, wen wir kontaktieren sollen im Notfall - natürlich werden diese Daten streng vertraulich behandelt. Wir werden Kontakt 2 nur anrufen, wenn Kontakt 1 nicht erreichbar sein sollte. / Please let us know who to contact in case of emergency - of course all data will be deleted afterwards and not used for something else. We will only call contact 2 if contact 1 is not available.
Contact 1: Name *
Contact 1: Telephone Number *
Don't forget the country code if applicable.
Contact 2: Name *
Contact 2: Telephone Number *
Don't forget the country code if applicable.
Gibt es noch etwas, was wir wissen müssen? / Anything we need to know?
Falls du eine Allergie oder Asthma hast oder andere Einschränkungen hast, von denen deine Bootcamp Trainer*innen wissen SOLLTEN, schreib es hier. Du kannst die Trainer*innen natürlich auch am Tag des Events unter vier Augen ansprechen - wie es sich für dich besser anfühlt! Nur die Trainer*innen werden diese Information weitergeleitet bekommen! / If you have an allergy or asthma or anything you think the coaches NEED to be aware of, please tell us here. Noone besides the coaches have access to that information. You can of course also approach them face to face on the day of the event - as it is more comfortable for you!
ASSUMPTION OF INJURY RISKS There is a risk of injuries, both serious and minor, associated with participation in Roller Derby. The risks include, but are not limited to: injury to the head, neck, or spine (including paralysis); injury to the muscular or skeletal systems; injury to internal or external organs; loss of or damage to sight, hearing, or teeth; long or short-term disability.

IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPANT to have health insurance coverage sufficient to provide for medical or dental services and/or equipment required to treat any injury, minor or catastrophic, sustained or incurred as a result of participating in any training and/or scrimmage at the bootcamp.

Therefore, AS A PRECONDITION TO BEING GRANTED PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE IN TRAINING AND SCRIMMAGE AT the bootcamp, EACH PARTICIPANT shall read the agreement set forth below in order to make an educated choice to participate or not participate. To that end, and before releasing Bear City Roller Derby and Sport Club Lurich 02 e.V. from all actions, claims, or demands related to any injury you may sustain as a result of participating in the bootcamp. Please give serious consideration to the possible ramifications. Understand that the causes of possible injury are many, but among them are: injury from bodily contact, incidental to or inherent in the nature of the sport; slipping, falling, or tripping on the playing surface, regardless of its physical or environmental conditions; injury from warming up; injury due to supervision by referees or officials, or injury due to a disparity between and among other players or teams with respect to experience level, strength, height, weight, age, ability, and the relative competitiveness or maturity of, between, or among other participants.


I have read the above ASSUMPTION OF INJURY RISKS and understand its contents. I acknowledge the risk of injury that may result from participation in the bootcamp trainings and scrimmage and am willing to and hereby do voluntarily assume all risks of harm associated with my participation. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, I am physically fit and able to participate in the the bootcamp trainings and Scrimmage, that I am in good health, and that I am unaware of any medical condition, which might make my participation inadvisable.

In consideration of Bear City Roller Derby and Sport Club Lurich 02 e.V. permitting me to participate in the bootcamp trainings and scrimmage, I knowingly and intentionally give up any legal right that I, my heirs, or legal representatives have or may have against Bear City Roller Derby and Sport Club Lurich 02 e.V., its trustees, officers, agents, employees, or insurers, from any action, claim, or demand that I, my heirs, or my legal representatives have or may have for any and all personal injuries I may suffer or sustain, regardless of cause or fault, on- or off-the track, as a result of my voluntary participation in the bootcamp and/or in other activities related there to.
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This data protection declaration is intended to inform the users of this google form about the type, scope, and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the operator, Bear City Roller Derby e.V..
We take your data protection very seriously, and treat your personal data confidentially, and in accordance with legal regulations. As new technologies and the continuous development of this website may result in changes to this data protection declaration, we recommend that you read this data protection declaration again at regular intervals.

Definitions of the terms used (e.g. “personal data” or “processing”) can be found in Art. 4 DSGVO
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Du planst mit ganz vielen Teammitgliedern zu kommen (> 8)? Dann schreibt uns BEVOR IHR EUCH ANMELDET an und ihr bekommt ein spezielles Angebot! Falls ihr bereits in Kontakt mit uns seid, könnt ihr hier euren League Discount Code eingeben:

Are you thinking about a league trip with 8 or more people? Sweet, just contact and you’ll receive a special offer!  If you have already a special arrangement please put in your league discount code here:
League Discount Code:
TEILNAHMEGEBÜHR: €90.00 EUR sind innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach deiner Registrierungsbestätigung zu zahlen.

BEZAHLUNG: Ihr bekommt mit eurer Registrierungsbestätigung eure persönliche Rechnung mit den Zahlungsdaten und weitere nützliche Informationen. Euer Teilnahmeplatz ist erst GESICHERT, wenn ihr die komplette Gebühr bezahlt habt.

STORNIERUNG: Es kann immer was dazwischenkommen! Bis zum 24.10. kannst du deinen Platz stornieren und bekommst deine volle Teilnahmegebühr zurück. Bis sieben Tage vor dem Bootcamp bekommst du 50% zurück. Danach musst du leider voll bezahlen. Du kannst aber deinen Platz innerhalb deines Teams gerne weitergeben. Gib uns kurz Bescheid, damit wir die Anmeldung mit der neuen Person durchführen können.  


PARTICIPATION FEE: €90.00, due within 14 days of receiving the registration confirmation.

PAYMENT: You will find the payment details in the registration confirmation email, along with an invoice, and other useful information. Your spot is only SECURED once we receive the full participation fee!

CANCELLATION: Life is full of surprises, and anything could happen to disrupt your plan. If you cancel before 24 October, you'll receive a full refund of your participation fee. If you cancel after that, but before seven days of the event, you will receive a 50% refund. After that we can not refund the fee. However, in the event you can no longer participate, you are free to swap your spot inside your league. Please email us with the new participant’s information so we can complete the new registration.

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