General session of the LUQ-LTER Annual Meeting 2023 Registration Monday June 5th Only 
The Luquillo Long-term Ecological Research Program (LUQ-LTER) will be holding its annual meeting at El Portal This form is to register for the general session on June 5th only. If you are traveling, please plan to arrive on the 4th so we can get started in the morning on the 5th. Virtual attendance via Zoom will also be made available. 

The Agenda for the Monday session of this meeting can be found here

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Did you already complete a sign up for the annual meeting? 
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Do you plan to attend the general session on Monday June 5th of the annual meeting in person? *
If you can't make it in person would you like to attend virtually?
Enter your name: *
Enter your email: *
Enter your organization (name of university, government agency, company or other):
Choose the sector(s) with which you are affiliated (choose all that apply):
Questions or Comments? Please feel free to provide any questions or feedback about the meeting or anything else you would like:
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