Birthday Party Inquiry Form
Please complete this form if you would like to inquire about a DWL Birthday Party for your child turning 3+. Our Birthday Party Coordinator will view your response and reach out to you within 2-3 business days.
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Birthday Party General Info
Parent Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone # *
Child's Name *
Child's Birthdate *
Age Your Child is Turning *
DWL Birthday Parties are tailored to children turning 3 and up.
Is your child a current DWL student?  *
Preferred Party Dates/Times *
Please note:
  • DWL Parties are held on either Saturdays or Sundays. 
  • The earliest time a party can start on a Saturday is 2:30pm as DWL runs classes until 2pm.
  • You may request any time on Sundays.
Confirmed party time is based on teacher/staff availability. Parties can come to set up 30 minutes prior to the party start time.
Preferred Party Theme *
Custom Theme is an additional $25
If you selected "I'd Like to Create My Own Theme" above, please let us know your specific requests.
Examples of Create Your Own Theme: 
  • Party with a different dance genre (ie. jazz, tap, lyrical)
  • Princess Ballerina party where the dance is choreographed to a requested song. (ie. a Taylor Swift song)
Bringing your own theme decor, but keeping the same dance genre theme, lesson plan, and music will NOT result in a custom theme charge.
Is there anything else you would like for us to know?
To View our Bday Policies, click here: DWL Birthday Party Policies *
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