Children's Spanish Classes
Dates: Wednesdays: February 15th & 22nd

Parents, please use this form to register your child for the virtual Spanish classes with Miss Tati! This program is for ages 6 - 11 years old.

The program will be conducted on a Zoom platform. The Meeting ID and Password will be e-mailed to you a few days prior to the start of the program, so please make sure you provide us with a valid e-mail address and make sure that you add our Children's Librarian's email addresses to your contacts to ensure that it doesn't go to spam. and - any questions can be directed here, as well.

Preference will be given to Rutherford residents. If you live out of town, you can fill out waiting list form at:
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
What is your child's first name? *
What is your child's last name? *
How old is your child? *
What is your street address? *
What city do you live in ? *
What is your phone number? *
Alle Eingaben löschen
Geben Sie niemals Passwörter über Google Formulare weiter.
Dieses Formular wurde bei Bergen County Cooperative Library System erstellt. Missbrauch melden