2024 NYCM Charity Runners Application

Thank you for your interest in running the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon as a Charity Runner to support Achilles Mongolia.

If you have any urgent questions, please contact us at the address below:

(c): 976-99073020 (e): ireedui.achillesmongolia@gmail.com

USA number: 1 917 828 4751 

Full Name *
Date of Birth

Why are you interested in doing this with Achilles Mongolia?

Have you run a marathon before?

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Have you ever raised funds before?

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If yes, please describe the ways you fundraised.

Are you comfortable asking people for money? 

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What is your fundraising goal and how do you plan to reach it?

Do you have a personal connection to the charity and/or know someone with a disability? 

Can you afford to pay the fundraising balance if you do not reach the minimum fundraising requirement $3,800? 

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Is there anything else you'd like to share with our team?
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