पूर्व उच्च प्राथमिक शिष्यवृत्ती सराव - 2 ,इयत्ता  ५वी
UNIT- Related words
Creater:Jyoti B. Kadam
School-ZPPS Umbraj Girls,Ta.Karad,Dist-Satara
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Full Name-(विद्यार्थ्याचे पूर्ण नाव) *
School name-(शाळेचे नाव ) *
District (जिल्हा - *
Taluka -(तालुका ) *
1) Find a releted word for tree?*

2 points
2.If slate-pencil then bat .......? *
2 points
3 ) Choose the pair of words that do not go together ? *
2 points
Q.4)Select the proper word related to the given word register... farm-green,crops,soil,leaves *
2 points
Q.5. Select the rhyming word for the given group of words . bat, cat, sat, mat *
2 points
Q.6. Choose the correct opposite word for....tall *
2 points
Q.7.Select the correct action word related with the given picture. *
2 points
Captionless Image
Q.8.Select the name of a toy from the given option. *
2 points
Q.9.Choose the correct face and sentence. *
2 points
Captionless Image
Q.10. Find the related word for class room. *
2 points
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