Preparation Form - A La Carte Session

This is more than just an assessment; it’s a complete, personalized “Curriculum of Living” tailored to your dog’s unique needs and your shared vision. This isn’t something you’ll find anywhere else—this is the magic key, the formula, the blueprint for the transformation you and your dog deserve.

Instructions: Fill out each section as thoroughly and honestly as possible. While we often focus on one dog for behavioral insights, remember that every dog and human in the pack plays a role in the overall dynamic. The more you share, the more specific and impactful your custom assessment will be.

Transformation Commitment: This assessment isn’t just about learning what you already know; it’s about unlearning patterns that hold you back and stepping into a roadmap for unlimited success.

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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
The Dog’s Environment 
Who lives in the home?
(Include ages if children are present)
Daily Setting: Describe your dog’s living environment. Indoor, outdoor, mixed?
Routine: Does your dog have a regular schedule? Walks, feeding, play, etc.?
Pack Size and Structure
Is your dog an only dog, or do they have other canine companions? If so, describe their interactions.
How would you describe your relationship dynamic with your dog?
Health & Diet
What does your dog currently consume? 
(Include details on food, treats, or supplements)
Is your dog on any medication? Does he suffer from any conditions? 
Do you use any specific feeding methods or rituals?
Cleaning Products and Home Care
List the cleaning products used in your home. (Environmentally safe, natural, chemical-based, etc.)
Are there any specific scents or materials your dog responds to?
Activities and Exercise
How often does your dog exercise and move their body, and what kind of activities do they engage in?
Are there any challenges with their energy levels or behaviors during or after activities?
Your Current Challenges
What are the main challenges you’re experiencing with your dog right now?
Have you tried any solutions previously? Describe your experience.
What’s Going Well?
List any areas where you feel successful or accomplished of your dog’s behavior or your shared life experiences.
In what situations do you believe your dog feels joy, and how do you recognize or observe it?
Vision for Your Shared Life
Describe your ultimate vision for your life with your dog. How do you want to feel? How do you want your dog to feel? *
What are your top goals for your bond, and how do you imagine reaching them?
Commit to Your Dog’s Transformation
This journey isn’t just about adjusting behaviors; it’s about fundamentally reshaping your approach and perspective. You will need to unlearn certain methods and beliefs to make room for this powerful, new understanding. Sasha will guide you through this customized transformation with care, expertise, and true dedication to your success.
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