Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Sign Ups
For the 2025 #AtoZChallenge MASTER LIST
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Blog Name *
The name of your blog, NOT a link. It should not start with "Wordpress," "www," or "https." This is what you call your blog.
Author's Name *
Feel free to write Anonymous.
Blog Link *
Please make sure the link works and leads to your blog, not a specific post or area where you create your posts. Thanks! It must go to a PUBLIC blog where anyone doing the challenge may COMMENT WITHOUT LOGGING IN, SIGNING UP, or SUBSCRIBING.
Category *
The category that best fits your THEME for the A to Z challenge.
If "Other," you may name it here:
Comment *
Select no. This will create a column that you can change to Yes as you read and comment on blogs once you have your own version of the spreadsheet. Hopping to other blogs to comment is half of the challenge! Grow our community.
Adult content? *
Excessive Violence, Nudity for sexual purposes, Strong and frequent harsh language -- If you are unsure, ask the A to Z team for a ruling.
Continuous story? *
Is this a story that continues from A through Z that needs to be read in order?
Will you hop to other blogs? *
As a Blog Hop, we hope that you will visit other blogs! That's what makes this so fun! 79% of participants report they are grateful for as many comments as they can get!
Author's Pronouns *
Year *
What was the first year you participated in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge?
Comment Name
If, when you leave comments, your name does not match the one on the MasterList. (Especially on Wordpress blogs).
Physical location of blogger (optional)
Country first please, then (optional) state/province/region, then city/town/area (if you wish)
Theme (optional)
Please keep to 100 characters or less. The official theme reveal was March 9-15
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