Become a village host, join the call!

New projects, and new livelihoods, are sprouting up among Europe’s multitude of small villages and the regions around them. We call the people who start and lead such projects: Village Hosts

The Open School for Village Hosts invites applications from rural pioneers, across Europe, to join its first training programme.


Applications deadline: 20 January 2023

Selection completed and applicants informed by 31 January 2023

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Your name *
Your last name *

What are your motivations to join the Open School for Village Hosts? (max 500 words)

Describe the idea that you would like to develop as a pilot project (max 500 words)

The pilot is a concept / idea / project that you take to the School in order to test it (you can also fail!) and / or implement.

Advantages will be given to pilot projects including local community and resources. 

How did you discover the Open School for Village Hosts? *
Please share any question you have regarding the Open School for Village Hosts *
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