Scholar’s eLearning Pledge

In his message for the 48th World Communications Day, Pope Francis said that technology is a “gift from God.” The Pope challenged the Church to use this tool to promote the faith, asking how communication can “be at the service of an authentic culture of encounter?”

St. Robert Catholic School is committed to academic honesty and integrity with its eLearning community. In order to foster one’s intellectual and character development, independent thought, and respect for the thoughts of others must take place. All forms of cheating, plagiarism, disruption, or inappropriate conduct are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Parents will be notified if there is a discipline issue with a student. We use information and technology in safe, legal, and responsible ways.

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Scholar’s eLearning Pledge
1. I pledge to seek the truth and to love all that is good and beautiful.
2. I will strive to achieve clarity of thought, nobility of character and purity of heart.
3. I will pursue my education with diligence, humility, and sincerity; embracing excellence and renouncing mediocrity, and encourage others to do the same.
4. I will treat my teachers and peers with the utmost dignity and respect in all my communications.
5. I will honor myself and my family by giving my best effort daily, in my schoolwork and contributing at home.
6. I will honor God by developing the gifts He has given me, completing my own work to the best of my ability.
7. Above all, I will aspire to the wisdom of a life lived in faith, hope, and charity; fulfilling my destiny as a child of God.

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