'Amplified History Fund' Application
The North East Heritage Library's Amplified History Fund provides modest payments to local writers passionate in sharing the histories of the underrepresented and marginalised. The payments may be provided to those with a deep interest in a community, figure, area or event whose stories may not receive the attention they deserve. The fees are intended to help with research, transport, subscriptions and the cost of time in producing an article or essay for the North East Heritage Library. 

We welcome applications from persons of any age, background or academic level. With this in mind, we especially encourage folk from diverse backgrounds who have previously been underrepresented. This can include people from a minority background or faith, the LGBTQ+ community and/or low income households. This is not exhaustive.

The application form below applies to the call for submissions most recently shared on social media. Please be aware of the specific dealing for this callout. If this is submitted later than the deadline, it will not be included and may not roll over to the next window. Please ensure all areas are covered for the best chance of your application being successful. Please also read the terms & conditions carefully.
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Name *
Email Address *
Please provide a short biography on yourself and your motivations in applying for the fund. *
What field of our local history do you wish to write about? *
Please provide a title and short description of your intended research and essay. (It's fine if this changes later, we will work on it together!) *
Please explain how you believe this research will broaden people's understanding of our area's local history *
How will the Amplified History Fund support your research? (To reiterate, this doesn't have to be fully fleshed out by this point) *
How did you find out about the Amplified History Fund? *
Will there be any expenses incurred before writing the piece? *
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