Tattoo Preferences♥


My underground startup is conducting a survey to explore the temporary tattoo preferences of younger population aged between 18 to 35. Your input will help us better understand popular designs, themes, and features in temporary tattoos. This survey will take approximately 5–10 minutes to complete.

Data Privacy Notice:
Your privacy is our priority. All responses are anonymous and will be used solely for research purposes. We do not collect any personally identifiable information. The survey is being distributed through private messaging and social media platforms such as Reddit and Facebook, ensuring a broad range of participants. By proceeding, you agree to share your responses with us for this research.

Thank you for taking the time to participate! Your opinions are invaluable.

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Name (Optional)
Where did you find this survey? *
Username/Alias *
Age *
What night activities do you enjoy?
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Do you like temporary tattoos on yourself/other people? *
Are you open to having temporary tattoos? *
Do you prefer: colored tattoos or black and white tattoos? *
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