Virtual Dublin Maker Festival - Open Call 2021
Dublin Maker will be held on Saturday June 19th and Sunday June 20th in our special 2-day virtual festival on the grounds of our Dublin Maker Gather Town!

It is a free to attend, community-driven event.

The festival takes the form of a “show and tell” experience where inventors/makers are sourced through an open call, and will have an opportunity to showcase their creations at individual virtual booths. It will be a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness. It’s a celebration of the Maker movement where anyone can show what they are making, and share what they are learning.

We welcome all types of submissions in all shapes and sizes. Don’t worry about if it’s finished, we love work-in-progress projects, it’s a chance for people to engage and chat about its process and you never know, solutions might pop out at stranger places.

Note: Makers will need to be available for a minimum of 2 hours (which is the smallest time slot block), during which the Maker will be available to answer questions about their showcase, like an Ask Me Anything.

👉 We've a series of Make a Maker Video to help get you started. Check out our playlist:

All Maker videos will be located in a dedicated Dublin Maker Festival 2021 playlist on our Youtube channel.

In the mean time, check out our website to see what sort of ideas we have seen in previous Dublin Maker festivals and here's a sneak peek to get an idea of what Dublin Maker Festival is like virtually via

Any questions, email

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Email *
Exhibit Details
Name of your exhibit *
Always the hardest question
Which of these would best describe your exhibit: *
Give us a short description of your exhibit *
What do you want to show off, Tell us!
Has your Project got a Website (URL):
We would love to see any pictures you have of you project (URL):
Finished or work in progress
Exhibit Details
Our standard setup is a stand inside a tent approximately 3m by 3m. Each stand has access to power. The stand is provided with one table and two chairs. We do not normaly provide internet access. If you need anything outside of the above please let us know below.
Do you plan to sell things at Dublin Maker ? *
If you plan to sell, what kind of things do you plan to sell?
Maker Information
Some info about you!
(If you are a maker who is under 18 please add the contact information of someone over 18 (Parent, guardian, Teacher etc))
Name: *
City / Country *
Organisation Name:
If you have one
Organisation Description:
If you have one
How many makers do you think will be on your virtual stand?
Contact Number: *
Have you shown off your stuff at any other maker type events? *
Twitter Username:
What have we forgotten? Anything else you would like to tell us about you or your project?
Available for 2 hour time slot (minimum) *
Makers to be available at the minimum for 2 hours so visitors can drop by and ask questions about you and your project(s).
Are you 18 years old and over? *
If you are under 18 years old, a parent or guardian will need to be with you on the day(s) you are showcasing your projects.
Have you read the Code of Conduct? *
Our Code of Conduct will be enforced at all of our events, in-person or digital. We will not tolerate harassment in any form. You can find it at
How did you hear about Dublin Maker ?
For publicity purposes, Dublin Maker may wish to take photos/videos during the Dublin Maker event and other Dublin Maker-related activities. Do you give consent for these photos/videos to be used for media purposes or on websites, publications and/or social media associated with Dublin Maker? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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