Sensory Santa 2023
Sensory Santa is a time for  individuals with special needs to meet Santa in a calm sensory friendly setting. Family's are scheduled to meet with Santa and are able to meet Santa at their comfort level.

All Sensory Santa Visits are no cost to families.
There will be a free will donation box setting on the sign-in table if families choose.

December 2nd  5:30pm to 8:30 pm - Sugar Creek Christian Church Campbellsburg Indiana

Home Visits- Reserved for children that can't safely come to a visit site and based on Santa's schedule availability. 

For more information or questions please contact Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc at (812) 329-0216 or
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Email *
Name of Parent or Guardian *
Parent or Guardian Phone Number
Permission to use E-Mail
Please check all that you give us permission to use your e-mail for.
Childs / Children's Name & Age
Please list all children that will be taking part at sensory Santa to help Santa be ready.
Is there anything that we need to know about that may help us in planning your child's visit with Santa.
Which Sensory Santa Event would you like to sign up for?
Photo Release
I give permission to Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc. to use photographs and/or video of me and or my children taken at Sensory Santa in publications, news releases, online, and in other communications related to the mission of Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc.
Release of Liability
Release of Liability:  In consideration for participate in Sensory Santa, I release from liability and waive my right to sue volunteers, Photographers and event hosts from any and all claims, including claims of negligence, resulting in any physical injury, illness (including death) or economic loss me or my child may suffer or which may result from participation in this Activity, travel to and from the Activity, or any events incidental to this Activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
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