King County Federation of Democratic Women (KCFDW)
Membership Intake Form
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Inclusivity Statement
King County Federation of Democratic Women (KCFDW) welcomes and values all who share our mission, regardless of age, race, gender, gender identity, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or physical ability.   
Membership Benefits
First and Last Name *
Cell Phone
Mailing address and City of Residence *
Being pro-choice means advocating for the protection and support of women's reproductive rights and healthcare options. It involves actively endorsing a healthcare system that offers safe and accessible choices for women, free from any religious or governmental interference. Are you firmly in support of women's reproductive rights?
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Please select your membership option at this time. Dues go towards operating costs, meet and greet events, and Get Out the Vote Efforts. All dues and donations received are publicly reported to the Washington Public Disclosure along with all expenditures. For more information on donations and dues, click here:

Please click here to pay:

Thank you for completing this membership intake form. Let us know if there is anything else that we should know or if you have questions or comments. Our contact information can be found here:

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