Wednesday - April 30, 2025 - 9:00 am
Placement test is not mandatory for admission to the College but it is required for enrollment into English and Mathematics courses, which are required early in ALL programs.  Students who plan to enroll full-time should take the placement test as soon as possible.

English and Math Placement Waiver - 

Option B: Placement by CLYMER Program 
If you are a recent GDOE high school graduate (within 2 years) or are expected to graduate this school year and have a minimum GPA of 3.2, you may not have to take the placement test and may be eligible for an Alternative Placement.

Option C: Placement by WorkKeys

Guam Community College accepts valid Gold and Platinum WorkKeys Certificates for enrollment into MA110A and/or EN110 instead of a placement exam.
If you are a New Student, you MUST secure a GCC Student ID# first by processing a Personal Information Form at GCC Admissions & Registration.
Please contact a counselor before you make payment of the non-refundable Placement Test fee ($22.00) at the cashier’s office.  All fees are subject to change.

NOTE:  GCC Student ID# and Receipt# are required to complete your request.  Please have your information ready.
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