NJVBC - Bag Bingo Fundraiser 2024
Friday, May 3rd. 7pm - 10pm. First game 7:30pm
Tickets are $50 each online, $60 at the door. Includes 8 bingo cards.
Mary Help of Christians Academy, North Haledon, NJ
More info: https://northjerseyvolleyballclub.com/bag-bingo-friday-may-3rd-at-7pm/
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Player's Full Name *
Your Name *
Your Phone Number *
Each ticket to the event is $50 online, $60 at the door. How many additional people do you plan on bringing? *
Note: Tickets can be purchased at the door. This is just to get an idea of a head count. You can bring more/less people than you answer.
I understand that the amount of money my child will receive is based on how much the guests spend at the fundraiser. *
I understand that if I have a balance with North Jersey Volleyball Club, then any funds raised for my child will go to paying off their balance. If I am paid in full, any funds raised will be refunded. *
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