Focus Together feedback survey
Hello, everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about Focus Together. Our community platform is still fairly new, and we are dedicated to making it the best it can be! To do so, your feedback plays a vital role in helping us understand how well we’re meeting your needs and what we can improve. 🤝

In the survey below, we'll ask you a few questions about your use of Focus Together and what you expect from it.

See you soon on Focus Together!

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Email *
For how long have you had a Focus Together account? *
How often do you visit our Focus Together community platform?
How did you hear about this community platform?
What do you like best about using this community platform?
Favorite features and functionalities?
How often do you use these community platform features?
How do you feel about the current features that allow you to have an impact and a voice in the game's development? What do you like or dislike about them, and how could we improve these features?
In your view, does belonging to this community platform allow you to have an impact on the games?
Missing feature and/or desired functionalities?
Do you have anything to add?
Would you like to hear about future feedback surveys? Do we have your permission to contact you via email to participate?

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