S.A.I.D for Men and Third Gender
The Nirbhaya gang rape in Delhi shook not just Delhi but the entire country. Both the Central and the Delhi governments initiated a slew of measures including the creation of the "Nirbhaya Fund'. Initiatives such as One Stop Centre, Women’s Helpline Numbers,  Deputation of Marshalls in public buses, Free Bus rides for Women, etc were introduced. Ten years have passed since. It is imperative to ascertain the efficacy of these initiatives. It is equally urgent to assess their impact on all gender’s safety and security. AKMD Foundation is seriously concerned with realizing the impact of these measures. The Foundation proposes to interact with and reach out to the men and the third gender of Delhi using public spaces/transport, in a "fact-finding survey", to collate information on how "safe" they feel. AKMD Foundation firmly believes unless and until such information is collected, the initiatives of the Government no matter how laudable, will not produce the desired results.
We request all those who identify themselves as men as well as the third gender to undertake the survey below and share their honest feedback.
Please note that for the purposes of this survey "Sexual Harassment" is deemed to include any unwelcome sexual act/advance/ conduct which makes an individual feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated.
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Name *
Age *
Occupation *
Gender *
Email Id
Phone No.
Do you feel safe walking on the streets alone post 8 pm in delhi? *
Would you feel comfortable in going out post 8 pm if you have to escort a woman? *
While going out in Delhi, does your choice of clothing depends on whether you are commuting via a public vehicle or a private vehicle? *
Do you share your live location via apps to family and friends while travelling alone? *
What mode of public transports do you prefer to use , when travelling alone after 8 pm? (Can take multiple options) *
Does your choice of commute differ when travelling with a female? *
How safe do you feel your commute from the bus stops or the metro station to your home (last mile connectivity) in Delhi is? (can take multiple options) *
In Delhi, what will be your first instinct in case you witness a woman being subjected to sexual harassment in public space/transport ? *
Which women helpline numbers are you aware of? (Can take multiple options) *
Where did you learn about the women's helpline numbers? (Can take multiple options) *
Have you ever faced sexual harassment in Delhi at public spaces/while using public transport? *
What will be your first instinct if you face sexual harassment ? *
Are you aware of any helpline numbers for males and the third gender? *
Do you think that there is not sufficient recourse and facilities available for men and the third gender facing sexual harassment in delhi? *
If you are sexually harrased will you call the Delhi Police? *
Do you think calling the Delhi Police for assistance in cases of sexual harassment will cause additional complications? *
Do you think that the Delhi bus stops are safe? *
Are you aware of ONE STOP CENTRE’S for women at Delhi? *
Do you feel the need for ONE STOP CENTRE’S for men and the third gender in delhi? *
Do you think that Delhi has become safer for women post-Nirbhaya incident which has happened almost 10 years ago? *
Do you think that presence of CCTV cameras in the public spaces and transport aid in prevention of the act of sexual harassment? *
Will you be comfortable if we contact you for further information *
If yes, then what medium would you prefer?
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