Southern Oregon Bias Reporting System
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Thank you for taking the time to report an incident. Please read the text below.
This is for reporting and/or tracking incidents of bias, harassment, intimidation happening in Jackson and Josephine Counties.

You can file anonymously or give as much or as little personal information as you choose when reporting an incident of hate or bias.

We will never share your personal information or file a police report without your consent unless you are reporting a case of child or elder abuse

Service area for full range of responses is limited to Jackson and Josephine Counties

Only volunteers trained by the Southern Oregon Coalition for Racial Equity and the Rogue Action Center for the specific purpose of supporting those who have been the target of a bias incident and identifying any trends in incidences will have access to this information. For more information, visit

We offer the following support options:
- Just report an incident (can be done anonymously) without requesting further action
- Get help filing a police report, a national HateWatch Report, or an Oregon Department of Justice Hate Crime report
- Get help accessing services such as counseling, legal, faith, or social services
- Advocacy and support
This form is not designed to handle immediate crises. If you request a follow up, a trained volunteer will reach out within 72 hours. Do you understand? *
Do you need help filling out this form? If yes, you will be asked for contact information so an advocate will reach out to you shortly. *
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