Thank you for your willingness to complete this brief endorsement. Please provide an accurate assessment, such as you would like to receive before hiring. This assessment will not be shown to the candidate or made public.
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Name of person you are endorsing. *
Company(ies)  where you worked together. *
Length of time you worked together in months (2 years = 24, etc.). *
Relationship (your relationship to the candidate). *
Research skills and personal attributes *
1 = Poor; 2 = Below average; 3= Good; 4=Very Good   5 = Excellent
N/A or can't assess
Research design ability
Qualitative research ability
Quantitative research ability
Data analysis & reporting
Work quality
Work quantity; timeliness
Work ethic; dedication; organization
Collaborative, caring, flexible
Humble, altruistic, unselfish
Responsible, honest, dependable
Communicative, articulate
Positive, likable, nice
Please describe the contributions of the candidate to your research projects, team, and organization.
Thank you very much. That completes the assessment.
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