WAIT LIST The Rewilders' Guide Training 2021 Application
The first round of submissions have been received and we are in the process of reviewing applications. If you are interested in the program, please complete the form and if a space opens up you will be contacted as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: This is a lengthy application. Please do not close your browser if you need to take a break or gather information that you don’t have immediate access to.

Only complete applications will be accepted. These applications will be treated with confidentiality and are not shared outside The Rewilders team.
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Email *
Name (first) *
Name (Last) *
Preferred Name and Pronouns
Phone Number *
Please share your intentions for participating in The Rewilders' Guide Training. *
If this training were a wild success for you, what would that look like? *
 What do you hope to gain from participating in this program personally and professionally?
What do you see as the ways you will contribute and be of support to the group's participants?
Please list any therapeutic or coach training programs you have already completed. *
Program Requirements
- Participate live in the six weekend trainings and review recordings for any missed segments.
- Record at least one session per month with a client for personal review.
- Submit one recorded session for review with your mentor guide.
- Committed to doing the inner and the outer work of being a guide and building a practice.
- Participate in monthly peer guiding session.
- Participate in twice monthly supervision meetings regularly.
- Be actively providing coaching sessions during the time of the training either with paid or unpaid clients.
- Be available for 1 hour of free 1:1 coaching a week available exclusively to Rewilding Community Members.
- Lead at least 1 Live Webinar or equivalent sharing your insights and answering Q&A over the six months
- Complete monthly homework assignments.
Are you able to fulfill the above program requirements? *
If you answered no, or maybe above, please explain.
Are you able to attend all of the weekends live?
How did you hear about this program? *
Information regarding age, gender, ethnic origin, and race  is used to support the creation of a diverse group of participants.
Date of Birth *
What country do you currently live in? What is your time zone? *
What country were your born in and what countries have you lived in for more than a year if different than above? *
What is your gender identity? (select all that apply) *
Wajib diisi
Do you consider yourself to be: *
Please indicate your ethnicity (select all that apply) *
Wajib diisi
Are you a veteran, or spouse of a military veteran *
Do you have any disability or handicap that is long-term (lasting 6 months or more)
Batalkan pilihan
Is there any additional information would you like to share?
By signing (typing your legal name) in the space below, you are certifying that all information is correct and truthful and that you are the person completing this application. *
Salinan jawaban Anda akan dikirimkan melalui email ke alamat yang Anda berikan.
Kosongkan formulir
Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
Konten ini tidak dibuat atau didukung oleh Google. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan - Persyaratan Layanan - Kebijakan Privasi