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Stakeholder Feedback Form
Brooks County Schools is collecting feedback from stakeholders regarding our American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III - LEA Application. Feedback will be used to inform the district's plan for the use of funds received.
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* Indicates required question
Check all that apply.
Brooks County Schools Student
Parent or guardian of a Brooks County Schools Student
Classroom Teacher
School or District Administrator
Support Staff
Community Member
What are the most pressing educational needs for students in the Brooks County Schools System due to the impact of the COVID pandemic
Highly Concerned
Some Concern
No Concern
Student Attendance or Engagement
Mental Health and Behavioral Needs
Healthy Classrooms
Student Dropout
Loss of Instruction for the 2020-21 School Year
Access to High Quality Teachers
Access to Technology
Highly Concerned
Some Concern
No Concern
Student Attendance or Engagement
Mental Health and Behavioral Needs
Healthy Classrooms
Student Dropout
Loss of Instruction for the 2020-21 School Year
Access to High Quality Teachers
Access to Technology
Do you have specific suggestions to address any of the pressing education needs that you marked as "highly concerned"?
Your answer
Are there other pressing educational concerns that were not listed above?
Your answer
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