Loaner Ukuleles
UPDATED 16 August 2024
If you know of a library (or a place or someone) who has ukuleles to lend, please complete this form to inform others who are looking for ukuleles to borrow. In return, I'll thank you with a new ukulele exercise I wrote, which I introduced in the warm-up lesson of 3 Chord Thursday Relaxation. You can watch the new video tutorial below.

More about this Google Form in my blog post.
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Email *
Chord Switching Exercise (summer 2024)
1. Your name *
2. Your location (it does not have to be the same as the library or lending institution) but it's nice to know which part of the world you are writing from. *
3. The lending institution: the name, address, website and any useful information so we can locate it *
4. How many ukuleles? *
5. Have you borrowed one yourself? If so, what is the process like? Easy, hard, etc. *
6. Does the ukulele come with anything else? Select all that apply. *
7. Tell us about the ukulele. Soprano, concert, or tenor size. Color. Brand. New or used. Other condition. *
8. Anything else you'd like to add?  *
9. To thank you with a new ukulele exercise I wrote, please tell me as much as possible about your ukulele playing history, the ukuleles you play, what kind of music you enjoy playing, and current musical goals and challenges.

Be sure to get on the Ukulele Enthusiast e-mail list
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