Sometimes we change our minds,
and what a beautiful thing change can be!

If you've decided to take your STEM Fair project in a different direction, no worries-- enjoy your newest pursuit! Please give us some information about your project so we can ensure our STEM Fair program is up-to-date prior to the event.

Looking for more information about the STEM Fair? Find more information on the McAuliffe PTSA website!

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Student Name: *
Student Grade: *
Parent Email Address: *
Track Selection: *

Brief Description of STEM Fair Submission Topic, Experiment, or Invention:

Will your exhibit require access to an electrical outlet? 
If “Yes” is selected for any items listed below, a more detailed description of the student’s project will be required. Approval is at the discretion of STEM Fair organizers and school staff per school safety rules and any pertinent laws.

Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents

Does this project involve petri dishes, microorganisms, recombinant DNA, human or animal flesh/frozen tissues or body fluids? 

Human Participation Projects

Does this project involve human participation including surveys, observations or human testing of new inventions?

Hazardous Chemicals & Devices

Does this project involve unmanned drones, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) -controlled substances, prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives, radiation, lasers, etc.
By typing your names below, parent/guardian(s) and your student confirm that you have reviewed the McAuliffe PTSA STEM Fair General Guidelines and understand all expectations and criteria for STEM Fair submissions.  

Student e-Signature:

Parent/Guardian e-Signature: *
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