Booking Request: des jackson poetry
Hi there! Thank you so much for your interest in supporting me and my craft. This is a genuine passion of mine and I am honored to be able to share it with you.

Please fill out this form to request an offering from me, and I will get back to you within 10-14 business days via email or phone. I cannot book less than 1 week in advance due to my academic schedule.

I have listed my offerings and their prices below. Please note that prices may vary depending on duration or if you have any specific requests outside of what I offer. My offerings are also negotiable on a sliding scale for Black people and communities, Indigenous people and communities, LGBTQIA+ people and communities of color, disabled people and communities, and those who are unable to pay the base rates comfortably.

If you're interested in my work, you can check out the Portfolio page on my website for a breakdown of what my offerings have looked like in the past.



$50-100/hour sliding scale for my labor and time [excluding guest poet offerings]
$50 additional for curriculum development and/or material preparation

Additional costs may be incurred based on the specific offering you request.



1. Writing Workshop - Youth K-12 - $50

~ 60 minutes

Curriculum can be curated based on your community needs or requested central themes. I have hosted previous workshops around care and community, self-love, perseverance, justice, and more.

Time will be dedicated to check-ins, group discussions, free-writing and prompt-based writing, and open sharing by those who want to read what they've written.

2. Writing Workshop - Youth ages 18-24 - $75

~60 minutes

Curriculum can be curated based on your community needs or requested central themes. I have hosted previous workshops around care and community, joy, advocacy and organizing, healing, and more.

Time will be dedicated to check-ins, group discussions, free-writing and prompt-based writing, and open sharing by those who want to read what they've written.

3. Writing Workshop - Adults 24+ - $150

~ 60 minutes

Curriculum can be curated based on your community needs or requested central themes. Time will be dedicated to check-ins, group discussions, free-writing and prompt-based writing, and open sharing by those who want to read what they've written.

4. Guest Poet - Reading poetry and prose - $100

I will read prepared pieces as an introduction, closing, or other performer for your individual or community needs.

5. Guest Poet - Reading and writing poetry and prose for a specific theme - $200

I will read prepared pieces which align with a theme or focus based on your individual or community needs. Pieces may need to be prepared or written prior.

6. Guest Poet - Writing poetry and prose as part of an event or meeting - starting at $100

I will write a poem after working with you or your community, specific to your values, visions, passions, or goals. This service can be paired with any of the others listed here. Please note that the cost varies because I charge $100/hour for labor, in addition to the cost of the poem I write. For poems I write from scratch, my rate is $1/word. You can request a specific length that is within your budget.

7. Keynote speaker - $100

I will perform a poetry or prose piece, and/or prepare a speech or statement centered on the theme(s) of your event or space.

8. Guest DJ or regular DJ - $50-$100/hr 

I am a learning DJ and can work gigs up to 2 hours. 

9. Other/Commission - Please specify your vision and I will do my best to do something for you. This will be considered a Commission and thus prices vary greatly depending on your request.
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Name *
Phone number
Email *
How did you hear about me? *
Offering desired [select all that apply] *
If Commission, please specify your request here.
Please specify any additional details about your event, community, or individual needs. It is helpful to know the age group, important identities, equipment and material needs,
and intentions of the space or event you would like me to participate in. Please also note if the event is centered around healing, trauma, justice, or other potentially heavy themes.
What day would you like this offering to take place? *
What time would you like this offering to take place? [USA - CA - Pacific Standard Time] *
Is your request for an in-person event or space? *
Please specify any accessibility needs [captions, virtual event logistics, alt text, etc.]
Anything to add?
Thanks again!
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at
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