Tres Market Foods 
Application for Employment
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Which location are you interested in working at?  *
Phone number *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *
Can you perform the essential functions outlined in the job description, with or without reasonable accommodation?
Can you lift heavy objects and climb ladders?  *
Please list highest level of education received.  *
Do you have reliable transportation to and from work? *
What wage rate are you expecting? *
If hired, can you provide verification of your legal right to work in the U.S.? Proof of eligibility and verification is required upon employment.  *
Please list your relevant skills for the position you are applying for.  *
Please list days and times available to work below. *
What are your minimum and maximum hours available to work each week?  *
Have you ever worked for Tres Market Foods? *
Are you a relative of any current Tres Market Foods employee(s)? If yes, who?  *
Please list your three most recent jobs, wage rate and reason for leaving. May we contact your previous employer(s)?  *
Please list references (name, contact information, relationship) below. *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?  *
If yes, please explain. *
As part of our recruitment process, we, or our service provider who conducts checks on our behalf in accordance with our policy regarding the undertaking of criminal record check, may ask for personal information from you to enable us to undertake criminal history checks (background check), such as your name, address, date of birth and details of any criminal convictions you are aware of. Please sign your name to acknowledge. 
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