Unscrolled 5782 RSVP

Hoshana Raba in the park! Join us for our annual interactive musical ritual celebrating the end of the Jewish High Holy Days Season. Lab/Shul and Romemu partner to unscroll the entire Torah, revealing secrets for this unique year of release, followed by the whacking of willows ceremony, as we bless our earth with healing and justice for all.

We encourage all to bring their own drums and lulavs if you wish!

Please note that this event is weather-contingent. We will make the call at 10am, day-of as to whether this event will occur.
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Optional: Name of Guest #1
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Optional: Name of Guest #2
Optional: Email of Guest #2
Are you interested in volunteering at this event? We will need some folks to come a little early, and some to stay a little late. *
How did you hear about this event? Check all that apply. *
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