LBBD Premier Education Easter HAF Enquiry Form 2025
Camp times are 9am-3pm daily.  This camp is for primary-aged children.  COMPLETION OF THIS FORM DOES NOT CONFIRM A PLACE.  WE WILL REVIEW DETAILS AND INDIVIDUAL PLACES WILL BE CONFIRMED VIA EMAIL IN DUE COURSE.  Please note that each child can attend a maximum of 3 days over the Easter break.
Please read and answer all questions thoroughly, giving full details where requested. Incomplete forms will not be considered.  
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Email *
Please select your preferred camp location *
Please state your preference for booking (please note that preference cannot be guaranteed) each child can attend for a maximum of 3 full days. *
Child's First Name *
Child's Surname *
Child's DOB *
Child's Full Address *
Child's Post Code *
Child's School *
Child's School Year Group *
Parent/Carer Name *
Parent/Carer Email Address *
Parent/Carer Contact Number *
Second Emergency Contact - Full Name & Relationship to Child *
Second Emergency Contact - Phone Number *
Does your child receive benefit-related free school meals, or do your circumstances mean that have you been offered a funded place?  Please note that this does not include the universal free school meals for all children in Reception - Year 2. *
Does your child have any special educational needs or have a disability?  If 'no' please type - None.  If 'yes' please give FULL details. *
Does your child need a 121 support? - If NO please put N/A if YES please give FULL details below *

I am giving Premier Education and LBBD Council permission to take photographs and / or video footage of my child when attending this Premier Education session. I grant full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for publicity or other purposes to help achieve the projects aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in printed and online publicity, social media and press releases.  

Does your child have any dietary requirements or allergies?  If 'no' please type - None.  If 'yes' please give details. *
Password for collection of Child/Children *
Child's Ethnicity *
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