Ohio Herbal Elders Project: Community Planning Process to Document Plant Medicine in Ohio!
We'd love to have you join us for one or both of two Zoom planning sessions, to be held in mid-April, to help us plan this second installation of the Ohio Herbal Elders Project: a collaboration between cultural worker & documentary artist Jess Lamar Reece Holler (Caledonia Northern Folk Studios, herbalist Lily Kunning (Haven Herbs), & United Plant Savers of Meigs County, with funding from the Ohio Arts Council // ArtsMidwest. In particular, we'd love to hear your input into how we can make our five herbalist interviews best represent the lived diversity of cultural plant medicine practices & geographies/ecologies in Ohio. We'd also love to hear your recommendations for which Ohio herbal elders we should interview! Small stipends will be available for all participants in our planning process; if you are unable to join by Zoom, but wish to submit a form comment for stipend consideration, please let us know in the form below. Thank you so much for your participation!
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Where do you live or practice? (Define this however is relevant to you.)
If you are an Ohio resident -- or someone with historic ties to Ohio -- what is your region or regions? Check all that apply.  
Tell us about your cultural or ethnic identity, heritage, or background? Check as many boxes as apply.
Ohio Herbal Traditions: What Ohio herbal traditions or practices do you think we should make sure to highlight for this edition of the Ohio Herbal Elders project? Is there a particular herbal tradition or medicinal practice you'd like to recommend? Make sure to describe its connection to a particular place/region in Ohio!
Herbal Elder: Do you have one (or several) Ohio Herbal Elders to recommend for an interview for this project? We are especially interested in Herbal Elders representing diverse Ohio plant medicine traditions, & diverse regions. Generous stipends are available to selected narrators to cover the costs of their time & labor in story-sharing; & narrators will co-own their interviews. Please list as many as apply; &, if you have consent, we'd be deeply appreciative of a method of contact: phone, email, website, &c.
Which Ohio herbal medicine traditions would you most like to see highlighted for this project? Select all that apply; & feel free to add recommendations under "other."
Are there particular region of Ohio whose herbal/plant medicine traditions you would like to see highlighted & documented for this project?
Are you willing, if needed or where appropriate, to serve as a liaison to help connect the OHEP team to an Herbal Elder, practice, or tradition you've recommended from your region?
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