Kairos Young Adult Program Application
This application is for the 2022 class of Kairos International, an organization investing in the soul, mind, and skills of young adults in developing nations.

We seek to holistically invest in each student through mentorship, providing business education, and offering skills-based experience through a variety of vocations and apprenticeships. This is a year-long program (beginning in March 2022) requiring each student to be committed to the program in its entirety.
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Name: *
Age *
Phone Number *
Marital Status *
Sex *
Next of Kin + contact info *
Your relationship to next of kin *
Vulnerable Status (choose all that apply) *
Location of Residence *
Education Level Completed *
Employment Status (circle one) *
Explain your employment situation if employed
Trade or Field of Interest *
Tell us about one of your future goals *
What talents or skills do you have? *
Why do you want to be part of this program? *
Have you been a part of an NGO program before? *
If yes to the above question, please share the name of the organization and what activity you were a part of:
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