Broker must complete registration at least 48 hours prior to the auction date.
Broker Participation Fee will be 1% of the winning bid price.To qualify, the properly registered broker and prospect must meet the reserve, if any, and be the high bidder. The participation fee will be paid upon successful closing and included in the Settlement Statement. Red Cedar Land Co. reserves the right to accept or deny any registration.
Broker must be duly licensed in the State of Kansas. Pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3076 a licensee or anyone on behalf of any such licensee or firm, whether licensed in this state or in another state shall not solicit a referral fee without reasonable cause. Reasonable cause shall not exist unless one of the following conditions exists: (1) An actual introduction of business has been made; (2) a contractual referral fee relationship exists; or (3) a contractual cooperative brokerage relationship exists.