Shaler Area Backpack Initiative 2024-25
The Backpack Initiative is a program that was established to assist district students in need of weekend food supplies.  The program is open to any student currently enrolled in Shaler Area School District in Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Each family participating in this program will receive a bag packed with child friendly, single serving snacks and easily prepared meals each week.  At this time, there are no eligibility requirements for participating other than completing this form and submitting it.
We will be sending the food home with students weekly.
Please submit one form per family.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Designated Student's First Name (This is the student who will take the food home) *
Designated Student's Last Name *
Designated Student's Current Grade (only available to Shaler Area Students in grades K-12) *
Designated Student's School *
Address *
Parent/Guardian Name  (First Name and Last Name) *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
List all other K-12 students (not including the designated student) living in the household.  You will receive a bag for each Shaler Area student living in your home.  Please list first and last name and grade for each student.
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