Taiyaari Jeet Ki Episode - 1 
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English VVI MCQS | By Amar Sir
1. 'The past is not dead and static, it is alive and dynamic' is taken from _________ *
1 point
2. Rupthoka is a ______ in Bangladesh. *
1 point
3. Who belongs to the Caucasian race ? *
1 point
4. ____ and peasants were the people pearl S. Buck wanted to meet while in India. *
1 point
5. 'A Marriage Proposal' is a _________ *
1 point
6. The name of Benjy's wife was ________ *
1 point
7. The curio-dealer sold the ground to a wealthy ______ *
1 point
8. Martin Luther king, Jr. refers to ghetto meaning ____ *
1 point
9. Bertrand Russell was a philosopher and a ________ *
1 point
10. The editorial policy of a newspaper is controlled by ________ *
1 point
11. Nurse's ______ will not last. *
1 point
12. Who among the following is a metaphysical poet ? *
1 point
13. Macavity is full of _______ *
1 point
14. 'The burning ghat erupted phosphorescence' is taken from _______ *
1 point
15. Walter de la Mare belongs to the ______ Age. *
1 point
16. The poetess in 'My Grandmother's House' desires for ______ from strangers. *
1 point
17. The poet was at the water-trough to _________ *
1 point
18. Rupert Brooke died of _______ *
1 point
19. 'Arms raised stiffly to reprove' ______ is taken from. *
1 point
20. ____ has emerged in different parts of the world. *
1 point
21. Who was the greatest dramatist of the Elizabethan Age ? *
1 point
22. ______ has its own 'Received Pronunciation'. *
1 point
23. Who wrote 'Chitra'? *
1 point
24. The word 'drama' comes from _______ *
1 point
25. 'A man is not necessarily happy because he is rich, or unhappy because he is poor' - is taken from *
1 point
26. What characterizes new India after independence ? *
1 point
27. The hobby of collecting gourds is called _____ pastime in 'The Artist'. *
1 point
28. The past is not dead and static, it is _____ *
1 point
29. '" A Pinch of snuff "'  is ____ *
1 point
30. Benjy's father handed him a passbook at the age of ______ *
1 point
31. Who will make quicker journey than the sun ? *
1 point
32. 'Dead in hundreds at the back/follow ______ in our track ? 'Now the Leaves are Falling Fast' *
1 point
33. 'Ode to ______ ' is a romantic poem. *
1 point
34. Who composed  the poem "The Soldier". *
1 point
35. Macavity is called ______ *
1 point
36. The poet was with his ____ passing by the cremation ghat. *
1 point
37. Who were know as 'the University Wits'? *
1 point
38. Who wrote 'Arms and the Man' ? *
1 point
39. _____ was a dominant influence on Middle English. *
1 point
40. _____ will be the common language for us. *
1 point
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