Vivement Dimanche! Luminous Orange Taiwan Tour 台中場

Vivement Dimanche! 星期天萬歲!

Luminous Orange(JP)
Sloth Scamper


2007年——Luminous Orange上次來台灣的時候,瞪鞋還沒有搭上復古風潮,台下的觀眾沒有人知道在台北有一天也會看到MBV、Slowdive、Ride、JAMC等名字。關於瞪鞋,那覆蓋著一切的聲音,與其說是把一切隔在外頭、尚未入睡的美好早晨,更像是透過滿佈塵埃的窗戶看著裡面透過去的斜陽。


而在台下,同樣眺望著遠去的1991年,台灣第一個把Loveless的每一秒聽到小數點以下第三位的樂團,Slow Burning Machine的貝斯手酪啃,將在隔年組成Sloth Scamper,將在每個樂器速率不同的乘法之間,記錄下因為走得太快,而沒有能夠想起的空隙,提示著,沒有什麼東西永遠不會fade out。

十年過去,宣稱喜歡瞪鞋的年輕樂團越來越多,那些唱片架上的名字一一重組,來到我們眼前復刻自己,聽著後來LO的專輯,聽著酪啃新團St. Sloth Machine的卡帶,你或許會有些意外,又或許並不那麼意外地發現,他們甚至比當年「隔著距離的瞪鞋」走得還要更遠上許多了。






>>>Luminous Orange
Since its forming in 1992, the distinct song writing style keeps rousing keen rock fans who fed up with major Karaoke-rock, while inspiring fellow and follower musicians such as Number Girl, Hidaka from Beat Crusaders,Condor44, etc. Cornelius and Ian Masters (ex.Pale Saints) were so lured by her music that released her stuff from their labels, Trattoria and Friendly Science, that result in good chart actions and total sales of 22,000 copies. Luminous Orange consists of Rie--singer, guitarist & songwriter, supported by reliable fellow musicians. Layers of delicate female voices with glittering,sometimes harsh guitars & synth on aggressive rhythms with hints of bossanova ,electronica, classic impressionism. It dazzles!! Chosen as a performer for Colette's millenium party in Paris, CMJ Music Marathon 2001 & 2004, SXSW2006 and SXSW2007!! Rie also sang on a couple of tracks of Ian Masters' Friendly Science Orches! tra, the single "Miniature Album"was selected as Single of The Week of NME. Ian also sang on Luminous Orange as a guest vocalist, for a couple of times. Though excluding the latest album "Sakura Swirl", that was released from NY based Music Related, few Luminous Orange materials are distributed outside Japan,some CDs are available from official Luminous Orange website(, tonevendor( , and CD Baby( also MP3s are available from iTunes Music Store. Anyway, the new album "Sakura Swirl" is being distributed in the US and Europe and Japan!!

They are also active in playing abroad. Although they couldn't meet the request to play at Collette Millenium Party in Paris 2001 and CMJ Music Marathon2001(due to 911), they played atCMJ 2004, SXSW2006 & 2007 and got good critics. And in Taiwan, they participated Formoz Festival 2007, at which Yo La Tengo, Buffalo Daughter, also played.

>>>Sloth Scamper


時間|7/21 (Sun.) 19:30 開演 (19:00 入場)
票價|預售 400 / 現場 500
主辦單位| 瞪入膏肓 Shoegazemania 、 Spazz Society 両光協會
協辦單位| 先行一車 黑膠倉庫 、 Mangasick 、 洞穴 The Cave
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Luminous Orange
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