9:00 AM Eid Prayer Registration for Women
Event Date: May 23rd or May 24th
Event Address: Kalamazoo Islamic Center, 1520 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI
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Full Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
All of the following has to be agreed upon to attend the Eid Prayer at Kalamazoo Islamic Center. *
I agree
I verify I have not been sick or in close proximity to anyone with COVID-19 symptoms within the past 14 days.
I verify I will bring my own prayer rug, pray on marked spots, and wear a mask when visiting KIC.
I agree to follow all rules set forth at KIC to prevent the spread of disease including social distancing and anything else the Security team deems necessary.
I verify I will only enter KIC 10 minutes or less before the prayer.
I verify I will not socialize or loiter on KIC premises before or after the prayer.
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