UCL Lightning Uniform Order Form 24/25
Please also purchase your uniform via the Student Union website. 

Please fill this form by October 19th 3PM with the uniform size you wish to order.
Note that failure to complete this by the above deadline may lead to your uniform not getting there in time for the competitions!

For female identifying individuals, the uniform includes: Top, Skort, Bow   
For the unisex/male uniform, the uniform includes: T-Shirt, shorts

*Unfortunately we don't have a sizing guide available

For RETURNERS only: If you wish to purchase only one piece of the uniform please only put in your size for the piece(s) you need and put NA if you don't need a new one.
If you require modest uniform options, the skort can be worn with leggings and the TeamUCL Hijab: https://akumashops.com/teamucl/product/hijab/ 

If you have any queries regarding the order process/sizing, please contact Jessica (Kit & Merch Officer) at jessica.hemington.22@ucl.ac.uk by October 11th 3PM.
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Email *
Full name  *
UCL email address *
Phone number *
Team *
FEMALE uniform design
FEMALE Uniform top size you wish to order. 
Sizes YS -YXL (Youth) and XS- 3XL (Adult). 
Put NA if not applicable
FEMALE Uniform skort size you wish to order. 
Sizes YS -YXL (Youth) and XS- 3XL (Adult). 
Put NA if not applicable
UNISEX/MALE uniform Shorts Size you wish to order. 
There will be a Team UCL logo on the right. 
Captionless Image
UNISEX/MALE Uniform top size you wish to order.
Sizes S-XXL
This is not the finalised image. These will have sparkles on them and will be the same colours as the female uniform.
Captionless Image
Please confirm you made your payment to the Union (this will be verified before placing your order) *
Additional remarks
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