September 2023 Virtual Workshop (re: Applets) Registration Form
This registration form is to indicate your interest in attending a free virtual faculty development workshop titled “Rossman/Chance Applets for Exploring Statistical Concepts,” to be conducted on Fri Sept 22 and Fri Sept 29 from 2-3pm ET (11am-12pm PT) each day.  A zoom link will be sent 24 hours in advance to those who register with this form.
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First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Email address (please re-enter) *
Institution (primary) *
Type of institution (primary) *
What is your background in statistics (e.g., degrees earned, courses taken)? *
What is your experience with teaching statistics (e.g., number of years, which courses taught)?
On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate your familiarity with the American Statistical Association’s GAISE (College) Report?  (1: not at all familiar, 5: very familiar)
not at all familiar
very familiar
On which day(s) do you plan to attend (from 2-3pm ET, 11am-12pm PT)?  Check both if you expect to attend on both days.
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