LI Innovation - Comprehensive Questionnaire
Please provide your valuable comments here after browsing the website. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to give feedback!

(LI Innovation is fictitious)
Copyright © LI Innovation CC BY-NC-SA-4.0
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What is you name? (Or…Nickname) *
Your overall rating for LI Innovation.  (including product design, product description, sub-projects, website interface, ideas, settings) out of 10 points.
What areas should LI Innovation carry out targeted work in the future?
If you chose “others” on the above question, then what it is?
Would you like or hope to participate in the work/cooperation of LI Innovation in the future? (Do not just enter yes or no please.) (I / Us might contact you later if you wish to work on this with me.)
Any other comments?  Feedback is welcome!
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