UofM Campus Student Struggles!
We want UMaps to be ready for the 2025-2026 school year! Help us build the platform that's enhances your experience on campus by letting us know  your frustrations and needs when navigating our campus. 

This survey should take around 5 minutes to complete. 

Thankyou for your time!
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How many years have you been attending UofM *
How often do you need to find a new place on campus? (ex. A lecture hall, meeting room, exam, friend's location) *
How do you usually find your way to your destination when inside buildings? *
How often do you struggle when finding a place on campus? *
If you have been lost before, what happened, how did it make you feel, and how did you find your way?  
Have you ever missed a test or exam due to not knowing the room location? *
If yes or almost, please share your experience and how it felt to go through that process. 
Has anybody ever asked you for directions on campus? *
Is there a specific physical resource on campus you find yourself constantly going back to/searching for? Please share.
If you could have one feature in a campus navigation app, what would it be? (Besides pathfinding to rooms)
These surveys are simple to be more time friendly.
If you would like to participate in in-depth interviews and make a greater impact on UMaps, please send your email (school or personal) below!

Otherwise, we ask that you share this survey with your friends at the UofM. Goodluck on your exams!
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