Request Appointment with Luna Flow
After you submit this form, we will respond in less than 24 hours to set up a time for a 30 minute video or phone appointment. We typically have same or next day appointments available Monday - Friday. Email us with any questions!

Please add to your contact list so that our correspondence goes to the inbox and not to spam.

Although we do not accept insurance at this time, we work with abortion funds and have private grant funding to help cover costs for folks seeking financial assistance. Please let us know how we can help with cost. Please see the website for more information on grant funding and sliding scale fees. 
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Phone number *
We offer patient-centered care, so you have the choice for the appointment type that you prefer. We can schedule a telemedicine visit for a 30 minute video or phone call, or we can go through the entire process by email, which is called an asynchronous visit. 

If you choose video or phone, we'll email you within 24 hours to schedule an appointment time (please check your inbox!).

If you choose asynchronous email, we start the process by emailing you an intake form within 24 hours. Once the form is complete and you are eligible to take the medications, we send you instructions and an agreement form to sign before the pills are shipped to your home.
Date of Birth *
Zip Code *
First day of bleeding of most recent menstrual period
Recent positive pregnancy test? *
Health insurance provider *
Anything else you'd like to share?
How did you hear about us? *
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