Dilmun Hill Steering Committee Application Fall 2019
We appreciate your interest in a Dilmun Hill Steering Committee position!  This is an exciting role in the Cornell community. The Steering Committee is a small working group of dedicated students and the Organic Farm Coordinator, Betsy Leonard, who facilitate governance of Dilmun Hill.  This committee was formed in Spring 2008 due to expressed need for greater continuity and coordination at the site. The committee manages logistical and administrative needs implicit in running an educational farm, and it functions with a non-hierarchical consensus based structure.  

Membership on the Steering Committee is open to undergraduates, one graduate student, and one non-student/community member. Steering members are expected to attend all steering meetings, two work parties a month, and steering related events. Steering meetings are held every Monday from 4:45–5:30PM. Work parties are the volunteer hours at the farm, and this fall they are held every Sunday from 2–5PM and every Wednesday from 4–7PM. Steering related events include farm tours, tabling for the farm, and steering coordinated outreach events; while people’s schedules are busy, we ask that everyone makes an effort to help with and attend these events. Member attendance of these meetings and events is not only critical to understanding how Dilmun operates, but it also plays an important role in uniting our group through teamwork and interpersonal communication.

We welcome your input and energy, and members are able to pursue projects related to their interests as well as projects related to farm functioning. Members of the Steering Committee may choose to receive one independent study credit per semester for their time commitment of approximately four hours each week and based on individual college requirements. We welcome a diverse range of interests and expertise, including but not limited to students interested in cover crops, weed science, grant writing, and planning outreach & educational events.

Please answer the following questions to help us understand what you can contribute to the group and what you desire from a Steering Committee position. We will contact you by Monday, November 18th, with the status of your application.  If you have any questions please contact Betsy Leonard (bai1@cornell.edu).

This application is due by 11:59 PM on Friday, November 15th.
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Do you have any experience with Dilmin thus far? If so, Please elaborate.
Why do you want to be involved in the governing body for Dilmun Hill?
Do you have experience with group collaboration?  Briefly tell us about your communication skills and about areas where you feel you have room to improve.
Dilmun is a multifaceted organization. Among the following areas of interest, which would you most contribute to?                                                
What are your interests, goals and aspirations with respect to Dilmun Hill (personally, or for the organization)?
Please describe a project you would like to pursue or event you would like to plan. Projects are member directed and are generally related to vegetable and farm production/management, educational and outreach events, business/finances, or marketing. Some potential projects include a winter cover crop plan, guest speaker series, and grant writing. This project suggestion is not binding and does not need to be fleshed out, but it will give us a sense of how you want to contribute to the Steering Committee.
Are you planning to apply to be a Dilmun Hill Farm Manager this summer? While Farm Managers are members of the Steering Committee, they are also paid employees who lead Dilmun’s farming operations throughout the summer and the fall. The Farm Manager position and Steering Committee position are not mutually exclusive. Applications for the Farm Manager position will be released late
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
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