2021-2022 School Year Parent Information to Support Student Placement Survey
This form is to help us decide on the BEST teacher match for your child.  Please DO NOT request a particular teacher or request your child to be placed with a particular friend.  If there are concerns about pairing with other students due to neighborhood issues, past school years, etc. please include that in the last question or contact Mr. Griffin directly at griffinjk@fortmillschools.org.
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What is your student's last name? *
What is your student's first name? *
What grade will your student be in NEXT year? (2021-2022) *
Who was your child's teacher THIS year (2020-2021)?
List any adjectives that describe your child.
Does your child need academic/social supports to be successful?
If you selected an area for support from the above list, please explain:
What type of teacher is the best fit for your child?
Is there anything else we need to know?
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