South Valley: Meals Request

Hello!  We are blessed with volunteers at South Valley who love to prepare and/or deliver dinner meals using their personal resources (at no cost to the recipient).  This ministry focuses on supporting those within the South Valley family who are recovering from severe medical issues, personal crisis/loss, or are welcoming newborn infants.

The meal schedule will last one week and dinner meals are usually served every other day.

Please complete the below form to put in a request to our meals ministry for support. If you are requesting on behalf of someone else, please get their permission before you complete this meals request form. 

Once we process your request, a member of our meals ministry team will connect with you as soon as possible.

We look forward to serving you!

South Valley Meals Ministry

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1.  Name (first and last of the person filling this out):
2.  Name (first and last of person needing meals):
3.  If you are requesting for someone else, have you gotten their permission to request meals on their behalf? *
4.  What situation is prompting you to request meal support?
5.  Phone number (of person needing meals or their caregiver):
6.  Address for meal delivery (please include house/apartment number, street name, city, and zip code): *
7.  Names and ages of those in your household needing the meals: *
8. Please list ALL allergies and food aversions. If you have specific dietary needs based on medical protocol, please include those details. Examples: low sodium, gluten-free, dairy free, etc.  

Feel free to also list restaurant favorites.  

This will help our team members who sign up to prepare and deliver your meals know what foods to avoid
9.  What day/date would you like meal support to begin (EXAMPLE: Monday, March 25th)

Please give 48-72 hours notice before the first meal.  
10.  Please select the three days of the week you would like dinner delivered. *
11.  What time frame would be best for dinner delivery? *
12.  Anything else you'd like for us to know? (Delivery instructions, such as knock, ring the doorbell, drop-off at the door, etc).  
We will provide three dinner meals (based on your answer to question #10).  A member of our team will call you to confirm details and get any additional information if needed. 

Please select "I have read and understand the process" to confirm.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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