MGSH Diploma / Cap & Gown Order
All seniors must complete this form to ensure a diploma is ordered (even if you are unsure you will participate in the commencement ceremony).  There is no charge to place this order, and MGSH provides all seniors who participate in the commencement ceremony with a cap, standard tassel, gown and medallion free of charge.  Only students who participate in the ceremony will receive a cap, standard tassel, gown and medallion.
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Email *
Student School ID Number *
First Name *
Using upper and lower case, enter your full legal first name (use apostrophe or hyphen if applicable).  DO NOT use nicknames (example:  use Joseph not Joe and Elizabeth not Beth if applicable).
Middle Name *
Using upper and lower case, enter your full legal middle name (use apostrophe or hyphen if applicable).  If you do not have a middle name, enter NONE.
Last Name
Using upper and lower case, enter your full legal last name (use apostrophe, hyphen, Jr., or Roman Numeral II, III, IV if applicable)
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Osseo Area Schools. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan