Days of Mindfulness (Jan - Mar 2022)
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Silent Retreat Days

Welcoming you to join Silent Days of Mindfulness in community together.

The structure of these events will follow the MBSR program throughout the day.
Teachers will guide meditations in sitting, walking, eating, body scan, yoga movements and imagery.

NOTE: this invitation is for Graduates of MBSR, MBCT, MBCL, MiE, CEB, and teachers of mindfulness programs for children and adolescents.  Due to the silent nature of the day, it is not suitable for those without prior experience of mindfulness practices.

This is an opportunity for renewing & cultivating presence from moment to moment,
and being open to the experiences of practicing mindful attention and connecting with your practice.

Event Details
16 January 2022 (Sunday) 9 am - 4 pm (7 hours). CANCELLED due to GOV'T RESTRICTIONS
Teachers: Cathy Ziengs, Nadine Anderson
Location: HK Buddhist Memorial Camp, Tung Chung, Lantau

27 February 2022 (Sunday) 9:30 am - 5 pm (7 hours)
NOTE: If the government restrictions are still in place on Feb 27th, this in-person retreat will be cancelled. You may choose to join Online for the March 6th All-Day if that happens. You will be notified closer to the date.
Teachers: Cathy Ziengs & Nadine Anderson
Location: HK Buddhist Memorial Camp, Tung Chung, Lantau
Venue link:
DONATION - HKD150 towards venue rental costs

6 March 2022 (Sunday) 9:30 am - 5 pm (7.5 hours)
NOTE: This Retreat will be held either in-person or Online depending on government restrictions at the time. You will received notice closer to the date.
Teachers: Cathy Ziengs & Nadine Anderson
Location: HK Buddhist Memorial Camp, Tung Chung, Lantau
Venue link:
DONATION - HKD150 towards venue rental costs

Contact for any questions:
Cathy Ziengs (m: 9156 2222)

Checklist for the event:

1.  Yoga mat
2.  Meditation cushion / bench / chair
3.  Shawl, towels, pillow for comfort
4.  Pre-prepared lunch & a drink
5.  Wear comfortable clothes
6.  Please no perfumes or strong scents (for in-person events)
7.  Mosquito repellant recommended for Tung Chung location
8.  No mobile phones during the retreat

Name *
Mobile # *
Email *
Please indicate which mindfulness course(s) attended: *
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Preference to attend? *
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Would you like to be notified of future Retreat Days? *
Thank you for your interest in joining for a day of mindful practices and sharing in community together.  Confirmation and details will be sent to you by e-mail.
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